STLC QC Student Supreme Government
STLC QC Student Supreme Government is an elected body of student representatives who aims to help in upholding the School’s Goals and Objectives to create a healthy learning environment for the best interest of both the Students and School.
An elected officer of the STLC QC STUDENT SUPREME GOVERNMENT must be fully aware that the following doctrines must be espoused and advocated to the highest degree by each member for the achievement of the common goal of this Council.
1. STLCQC Student Supreme Government is primarily established to help in upholding our School’s Mission and Vision towards creating a positive and healthy learning environment both for the Students and School.
2. Each member of the council should embody the ideal persona of what a true-blooded “Theresian” should be and must serve as role models to inspire all our students.
3. The Council vows to help the school in ensuring that its Policies, Rules and Regulations are consistently being observed by all our Students.
4. The Council works hand in hand with the School in keeping and maintaining the proper care and handling of its facilities and environment.
5. The Council takes up responsibility in spearheading various events, programs and projects that are meant to complement student learning, encourage student’s participation and bring enhancement and improvement to the school.
6. The Council at all times is ready to extend an arm in helping the School in any way their worthy contribution will be needed.