A woman who dared to change the world. If there is one statement that would pretty much describe our Founder and Directress, that would probably it. She was a woman of substance that used her wits and compassionate heart to do good despite all the challenges that came her way. Especially because of it.

Mrs. Leticia R. Bajacan (also known as Ma’am Letty) started as a working student who had to financially support herself to achieve her dreams. Since she always envisioned to illuminate children and guide the lost, she worked very hard to finish her studies in
education. Soon, she devoted her heart and soul to teach at the School for the Deaf and Blind and Guidance Counselor for young children.

During a time when women were boxed by society and judged for being empowered, this mild-mannered woman quietly but surely combatted stereotypes and emerged victorious in her chosen vocation. She never backed down to fulfill her dream of giving kids an opportunity to find their way in this rather dark world.

In 1981, Ma’am Letty built up enough courage to create and curate her own educational shelter. Starting with 10 pre-school students, her small dream has slowly grown into an institution that nurtured excellence and compassion. Today, we serve as living witnesses to the love she had shared 40 years ago. Her passing never hindered us to continue her legacy because her passion remains with all of us.